斯堪尼亚, 领先的卡车和运输解决方案提供商, announced one of its largest single investments in a new industrial plant back in 2017 – a new foundry to be located at the company’s main facility in Södertälje, 位于日博备用网站首都斯德哥尔摩以南约50公里处.  

这项投资标志着金属加工的一个里程碑,原因有二. By switching to new casting methods production capacity could be tripled. 同时, the new foundry meant that energy consumption could cut by no less than 50 per cent.  

“在向无化石社会转变的过程中, 我们将需要更多使用生物燃料和天然气的发动机. 我们投资的铸造厂在提供这种发动机方面发挥了重要作用,吕瑟·德·弗里斯说, 执行副总裁, 斯堪尼亚的生产和物流主管.

热 恢复 砂的回收利用

The new foundry has put 斯堪尼亚 on the path to securing supply of strategically important parts for engine production with a strong focus on environmental 可持续性. Operation improvements include heat 恢复y, sand recycling and reduced transport needs.  

“从可持续发展的角度来看, this means that we can reduce the use of a finite resource while the climatic impact from sand transports will not increase, 尽管我们的生产能力增加了三倍,德弗里斯继续说.  

斯堪尼亚, which was founded in 1891 and currently has production facilities in 欧洲, 南美洲和亚洲, 近年来在日博备用网站进行了一系列重大投资. These included the EUR 200 million upgrade of its facility in Oskarshamn which was transformed into the most modern cab factory in the world, 配备283个工业机器人.  

斯堪尼亚在日博备用网站雇佣了大约1.5万人. 这家卡车制造商在全球拥有45家工厂,在全球100多个国家拥有1000名员工和销售人员.  

Building a completely new foundry in Södertälje was the most cost-efficient and the best alternative from an environmental and quality standpoint adds Ruthger de Vries. 但这还不是全部.  

“通过这项投资, we also retained the proximity to our research and development organisation which is concentrated here. This means that Södertälje will continue to be the hub for our 欧洲an engine production,他总结道。.